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Steel building for Warehouse

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Steel building for Warehouse - 7/30/2017 9:09:08 PM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 7/30/2017
Status: offline
I own a supermarket in Toronto. I have been running this business for a few years now. I can say my current store is making me good money and I have decided to expand. The works of three more stores are happening as of now. Soon I will be running four supermarkets in total. And I need a lot more inventory than before. I am thinking about setting up a warehouse. Since I don't want to spend too much on this warehouse, I researched about cost effective buildings and prefabricated steel buildings came up everywhere. The problem is that I don't know anything about them. So please help me clarify my doubts.
Can I use steel buildings for a warehouse?. Are they safe?. Can they provide the security that other buildings provide?. Also, I searched for industrial steel buildings company in Toronto And found one in the link. Do anybody has any experience with them?. If yes, please advise.

< Message edited by ChristopherSMiller -- 7/30/2017 9:11:18 PM >
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