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Building Equity and Cashflow with Master Franchises

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Building Equity and Cashflow with Master Franchises - 2/26/2010 4:15:32 PM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 3/2/2008
Status: offline
Master franchises are mostly an unknown investment that allows you to build equity and cashflow simultaneously. Master Franchisees, sometimes called area developers, buy the rights to sell a franchise in a particular territory. The Master then starts selling unit franchises in the territory. The master typically receives a portion of the franchise fee for every unit that is sold, up to 50%. The master also typically collects some of the royalty that is paid out, again usually up to 50%. Royalties are usually based off of sales so the master creates a nice residual cashflow from the royalty sharing. Masters will also train and provide support to the unit franchise. Some franchises require that the master open a unit to show prospects but it just depends on the franchise. Quite a few franchises use master franchisees to grow their business in a relatively short period of time and to keep support local to the unit franchisees. They do typically require a large amount of cash down and a large net worth but there is a wide range out there available.

We have some Masters and Area developers available throughout the U.S. Let us know what questions you have about them. Check out some franchises at
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