How To Choose A Business Credit Card
Many small business owners rush into choosing a small business credit card. Too often, they end up with a business credit card that simply does not suit their business needs. Before starting your search for the best business credit card, clearly determine exactly what your business credit card will be used for. Many choose to use their business credit cards only for emergencies, while others make full use of the card, using it for purchases and for tracking expenses. By knowing what your card will be used for, you will be able to find a credit card company that has a small business credit card plan that will better serve you.
Search for a business credit card online. This will save you quite a bit of time, by allowing you to apply for a business credit card online. Most credit card companies have websites that give details about their different credit card plans. Make certain that you will be able to use your card where you want, and need to use it. Find out what cards your vendors accept.
If you will be giving credit cards to your managers or other key employees, you should look for a business credit card that gives you the option of setting user-defined spending limits. This will prevent employees from making too many credit purchases. You should note that when you apply for a business credit card, the credit of everyone who will be issued cards or will be authorized to use the cards would be checked.
Ensure that you know and understand the fees associated with using the business credit card. Many business owners are surprised when they get their first bill! Find out how convenient it will be for you to pay the bill. Find out if the bill can be paid by automatic debit from your bank account or online. Check to see if there are fees associated with certain types of payments. Look for cards that waive fees or interest charges if the balance is paid in full each month. You will also naturally want a card that offers a low interest rate as well.
Finally, find out what incentives are offered with the small business credit card plan and how those incentives will benefit your business. Many card issuers will offer cash back on purchases, free air miles, or donations to charities.
Two of the best cards to check out are the Citi Business Credit Card and the Chase Business Credit Card. These two cards offer different plans to suit your business credit card requirements, no matter how large, or how small your business may be.
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