Our mission is to provide a free confidential forum to facilitate the buying and selling of businesses, and to be the complete business source
for helping business buyers and sellers through the business exchange process.
GlobalBX is a free business for sale listing exchange that provides a confidential forum to facilitate the buying and selling of businesses and commercial properties with thousands of businesses and franchises for sale as well as comprehensive business information for business buyers and sellers.
Our business for sale network connects business sellers and brokers to buyers, investors and direct lenders. We have over 42,000 advertised listings. Whether you want to buy or sell businesses for sale, or get a commercial loan you have come to the right place. Best of all, our services are free!
GlobalBX is the complete business source for helping business buyers and sellers through the business exchange process. Our Resource Center is invaluable and it is comprised of 6 main sections:
Buyer's Guide - contains articles and books covering the various aspects of buying a business: business financing, business valuation, business brokers, and more.
Seller's Guide - illustrates the fundamentals of selling a business and the key benefits of using a business broker.
Franchise Information - covers the pros and cons of franchise businesses, franchise legal considerations, and more.
Entrepreneur Business Start Up Guide - contains articles on how to start a business, accounting and legal issues, business plans and more.
Entrepreneur - Business For Sale Blog - contains key information from expert authors on how to buy and sell a business, start and run a business, write business plans, and much more. This is the ultimate resource for business strategies and motivation for all entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneur - Business Forums - Use our business forums to discuss topics on entrepreneurship, business management, business plans, buying and selling businesses, and more.
Other exchanges charge $50 to $1,500 for a single two month listing. We do not charge for our services. We are absolutely free! Unlike our competitors who employ high-profile executives or have top-tier venture capitalists who want a high return on their investments, we just want to be your advertising and marketing partner of your business for sale.
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